Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Anchor Me Down.

I've never been a strong swimmer. Sure, I know how to swim. I can stay afloat and swim laps with average skill. Am I cut out to be an olympic swimmer? Absolutely not.

One doesn't have to live very long to recognize that this life has its way of sweeping him away. Overflowing. Overwhelming. All-consuming waters. Flooding his life and making the very task of "keeping his head above water" ...almost impossible.

Sound familiar? Speaking for myself, I know that feeling quite well.

For those who know me well, you know that I am a big fan of anchors. Some may think it is a bit odd but I have my reasons. It was when I discovered Hebrews 6:19-20 that I began to make anchors my "trademark" so to speak.

If there is one recurrent theme of my life the past few years, it's this... I'm desperately in need of a Savior. Somehow, I always manage to lose sight of my Ultimate Security. Waves of sorrow, change, pain, uncertainty, and dreams that seem forever lost blur my vision and drain my energy. Like I said, I am not a master of this whole swimming thing.

Sometimes we must feel like we are drowning in order to wake up to the reality that it is God's love that has anchored us down. What I often forget is that not a day passes that I am not steadfastly held by Jesus. This, friends, is true Hope. Hebrews 6:19-20 states, "We have this [hope] as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek." 

Did you catch that? Jesus has gone before us. Not only does He firmly plant us by His overwhelming love in the midst of the storm, but He also has conquered the flood. The flood of despair, doubt, dread, and desperation.

I guess the waves have to come before we are able to see that we cannot save ourselves. Not even the best of swimmers could outlast these waters.

I try and try to be a marathon swimmer, while all the while... my security is right there next to me in the stormy waters. We all need a Savior. We all need Security. We all need Steadfastness. Why don't we grab hold of it... that Anchor that is firmly founded and withstands any storm life can throw our way? This world seems to throw out many promises of safety--good health, great wealth, and reliable relationships... faulty anchors so to speak. But it doesn't take long to see that you've drifted back out to sea... with no lifeline. You see, these safety nets only last so long. They merely offer the false hope of security... but are swept away just the same. You might as well have continued to tread water.

I've had my share of losses these past few years. But as much as I wish it would have turned out differently, I have never seen Jesus so clearly. All my safety nets, buoys, and lifeboats have disappeared at sea. And let me tell you, nothing weakens stamina like depending on false securities... only to lose them. Sure, I've probably upped my swimming ability... but that doesn't cut it anymore.

I've been broken to be healed. I've been emptied to be filled. I've been lost to be found. I've been lonely to be truly and solely His.

I've been caught in a dreadful storm... to be saved.

Praise Jesus that He anchors me down.