Thursday, September 20, 2012


I love those friendships in which you can’t help but talk for hours. A few weeks ago, I walked into the house of some dear friends; the home of what has become my “Second Family.” It was late, and I had to work the next morning. I knew that my “ten minute” stay was destined to become much longer. So I made a mental note of my early morning coffee route and walked in.

The funny thing is that while talking, we realized we haven’t even known each other for a year. It feels much longer--the good kind of long. The time has flown by. This past year has been a rollercoaster of many sorts, full of blessings yet many struggles. I think we all reach the point of wondering when the rollercoaster will end. Don’t get me wrong, I love rollercoasters. However, when it comes to my life, I’d rather have a straight shot. After all, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Ok, enough of the math lesson.

Back to rollercoasters. We all need some perspective. Especially when the rollercoaster keeps going and going and going and going... And well, I think you catch my drift. I think this is why Proverbs says, “Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future” (Proverbs 19:20, ESV). We all walk the rocky terrain of this life... Some are just further along. 

At one point during our conversation, the topic of struggle surfaced. That’s another thing I cherish about that friendship--it has never been anything but genuine. I think it’s because we both are good at “reading” people... So we knew from the start that there is no point of playing games. It was then that she said, “...These are the moments when the rubber meets the road...” I will never forget that. In fact, that conversation hasn’t left my mind since. 

I’m not sure that I’ve seen a friend, or entire family for that matter, walk a road of struggle with such grace. Their shoes are weathered yet they stand strong. Sure, they’ve asked why. Don’t we all? I think we all have moments when we realize we are standing on a path we didn’t plan. I know I have. But both the rubber soles of our shoes and the rugged road of our journeys play a part in this life.  

I’ve asked myself many times why my road has to be so rocky and uneven. It’s taken me a few years but I’ve come to this realization: The rugged road exists to remind us that this road isn’t the end... It is simply a means to the end. The glorious end. Isn’t that why roads are created? To lead us somewhere? 

Have you ever tried to climb or walk a gravel road while wearing shoes with no traction? It’s a miserable experience. For those of you like me, I just fear wiping out. I’m not the most graceful of individuals. That’s where the rubber comes in. The soles of shoes are purposed to keep one firmly founded... Like climbing shoes or hiking boots. 

So what happens where the two meet? I think at least two things occur. I believe the road strengthens the journeyman. There is a reason why avid hikers and daring climbers have muscles in more places than one can count. It is an outward reflection of where they’ve been. Roads they’ve weathered. Secondly, the rubber keeps us “grounded” ...for lack of a better term. This is why proper foot wear is of utmost importance. 

How pertinent this is to our faith in Jesus! I’ve heard it said, “In suffering, God is not getting back at you; He is getting you back to Himself.” After these past few years, I cannot express enough the truth this statement holds. If one is not firmly planted by the foundation of God’s Word, he will quickly lose his footing. It is inevitable. The terrain of this life is no joke. It is not to be taken lightly. However, if prepared, it is navigitable. It’s easy to slip up. I know I do quite often. So maybe it’s time for some new shoes. 

Well sure enough, 3 hours later, I headed home to catch some sleep. I was exhausted the next day, but that coffee was a lifesaver and it was totally worth it. I am so thankful for a dear friend who may be further down this road but nevertheless continues to show me what it looks like to stand firmly...

“Where the rubber meets the road.”

“Your faith will not fail while God sustains it; you are not strong enough to fall away while God is resolved to hold you.” --J.I. Packer