Friday, March 25, 2016

Tried & True

Sometimes, I sit and ponder my life. Ok, sometimes might be a little bit of an underestimation. 98% of my life is internal processing. Those who know me well are reading this and saying, "Amen." 

Anyways, back to my point.

There are moments when the reality of my position in life just slaps me upside the head. Like... When on earth did I turn 25 (almost 26!), when did I enter the realm of being asked to be a professional reference (that means you're old), and most recently, when did I become ready to get married?

In these moments, my life seems to be in slow motion. It's almost as if it's waiting for me to catch up with reality.

That happens to me a lot.

The present is often a blur and once I'm a few months down the road, my prior circumstance becomes more real… The curse of an extra slow-processor.

Now that I'm almost 26, age 25 has settled in. But as I get thrown overboard from the boat of parental health-insurance, I'm sure the cold waters will quickly awaken me to 26. And rounding up to 30 still doesn't sound too good. I am honored to be asked to be a reference for jobs and school committees that I was once on, but I never thought it would be my turn to help a student's "dream" come true. And though I've got that streak of my mother's independence and adventure-seeking spirit, I've met a man that is far more godly and kind-hearted than I could've dreamt. I am most definitely processing that one, but I praise God that I'm the girl that gets to marry him. 

What's my point? Thought you'd never ask.

No matter how hard, devastating, life-changing, astronomical, exhilarating, or fresh life may be in the moment, I have yet to look back and not understand the purpose God has in it. Our God is a God of order and restoration. Nothing that enters my life will go against that immutable character of His. I've been burdened yet blessed to learn that truth in my younger years.

He's proven Himself to be tried and true. 

Our disposition and character are only possible as a result of His. 1 John 4:19 says, "We love because He first loved us." He enables us to receive, to give, to love, and to follow Him. In myself, I would be so far from Christ. It is only because of His graciousness to me that I have been able to journey through the past 7 years of trial and continue to follow Him. That's not me. That's all Him. 

Don't get me wrong. I totally have my "bad" days. We all do. And that reminds me that I need Jesus. He's God, and I am not.

At almost age 26, I would have never thought I would have been through multiple surgeries, medical tests, or to be forced to leave college and then graduate school – as a result of poor health. But we all get put through the fire. I have just been blessed to be put through the flames earlier on in my life.

Blessed? Yes. Blessed.

Could I have said that a few years ago? Absolutely not. And there are still days where I cannot. And please do not take this as some, “God won’t give you any more than you can handle” speech. Because that’s a common lie circulating Christianity today that could not be more against the truth of the Word of God.

The truth is: He did give me more than I could handle. MUCH MORE than I could handle.

And because of that, I’ve learned to trust Him in ways for which I never would have had need. I know Him in such a deeper way than I would have otherwise. There’s truly nothing sweeter than that. He loved me enough to allow health trials to enter my life so that I could grow through pain and adversity. 

Nothing has entered my life that He not only foresaw but also allowed.

And because I’ve experienced Him to be tried and true, I’ve gained more strength to be a reflection of His faithfulness. I am and have only been able to present myself as tried and true because He has been that for me… abundantly.

My greatest aim is to be faithful to Him even in circumstances that leave me speechless and broken. It’s a confusing thing to watch someone walk through the dark hour of the soul with grace. But that’s the image of someone who has seen and felt Jesus in such a tangible way.

When you encounter the presence and faithfulness of Jesus, it doesn’t leave you the same.

“Great testimonies” of our faith don’t become so over night. They are forged in the fires of sorrow and devastation.

I’ve been tried, and He’s been true. And because He’s true, I pray I continue to remain true to Him.