Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Two for One.

I am my father's daughter. Always thinking, ever-analyzing, my wheels never cease to turn. It is mind-boggling how I end up conjuring dazzling, deep, and detailed meanings from simple everyday objects and experiences. Although quite odd at times, I praise God for those unexpected, random moments that He uses a seemingly meaningless moment to give me a different, refreshing glimpse into His heart... for opening my blind eyes to those things my Creator made for me and gently placed in my path to truly see Him for who He is... Ultimate Beauty.

Needless to say, I love those things with double-meanings... they sure help to keep this wandering soul focused on my Destination. I lose perspective like it's my job. The waters rise and the storms rage and just like that- my perspective sinks to the depths of the sea. Living in a world like this, one must have a battle plan. It is nothing less than vital.

I discovered very early on that I am a full-fledged visual learner. If I see  something even once, chances are, I will remember it. I quickly integrated this with my plan of attack- to weather even the most treacherous of storms.

Because if you haven't figured it out yet... life is full of them.

So about three years ago, I began to "wallpaper" so-to-speak, the "walls" of my life. Items such as my cellphone, laptop, desk, car, and on the serious war-zone days- even my hands.

I desperately needed to see reminders of hope, truth, and grace wherever I looked.

For those who know me well, know that anchors are my thing. After all, they are pretty cool lookin'. But it's deeper than that (no pun intended). I was reading the book of Hebrews a couple years ago and came across Hebrews 6:19- "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure..." referring to the hope in the power and promise of Jesus Christ.

So now do I not only see steadfast and secure strength when I see this symbol, but also something I so ardently need and desire- HOPE. And this hope does not disappoint [Romans 5:3-5].

Praise God for practicalities such as this to keep me deeply rooted... because recently I have seen anchors EVERYWHERE... and immediately the Son shines upon my gloomy outlook and perspective of despair.

Isn't our God GOOD?

I have debated starting a blog for quite some time now. I am in a continuing season of refinement- and refinement requires much processing. I process as I write... and need to be in a better habit of doing so. God is teaching me too much for me to allow these moments to slip by only to be swallowed up by busy schedules and demanding time lines.

So I'm going to give this blog idea a shot. We shall see.

Of course, I didn't want the title to be simply thrown together without purpose... so I have been pondering for awhile. I began to think about what seems to be the theme of all I have been learning these past three years...


In the midst of overwhelming and undesired circumstances, I must have a foundation. A foundation that can withstand fire, storm, and the deepest of heartaches. After demoing a few potential "promising"candidates, I have seen firsthand that my Savior Jesus Christ is the One and Only survival remedy- no matter the reading on the rector scale.

My only option in the midst of the chaos? ...Trusting Still.

Despite what this life throws my way, my God asks that I still trust His WORD, for it alone endures [Psalm 130:5; Isaiah 40:8]. I have seen people and things I thought could be trusted, relied on without reserve, crumble from underneath me in an instant.

But the Love and Word of my God knows no end.

And that enables me to continue in Trusting Still. To shout from the rooftops an unashamed proclamation of "nevertheless".

But this type of reckless trust demands further surrender. This naked and vulnerable dependence pleads with and cries out to us to be STILL. To hand over the reigns to the One who sees beyond the horizon of our shallow skies. To present our deepest, dearest desires, fears, "entitlements", and dreams to the Creator of the human soul. To stop striving for control and success and start to be still in the promise that in HIM all things hold together [Colossians 1:16].

To be still in His presence and in our pursuit of Him... to trust in Him.

So this is me and where I am at in this journey called life. No matter the storm, by God's grace, I will continue in trusting [Him] still.


  1. You always win and gain great wealth when you pursue God with all your heart, soul and strength! Lauren, your depth and spiritual insight for your age is amazing and a true gift from above. God is truly preparing you for His kingdom work through your brokenness. His glory, beauty and countenance flow out of you because of your surrendered heart. What a beautiful way to share and process your journey in life with Him through a blog. This first post touched me so much. I love the title of "Trusting Still". I have had "Trust God" on my cell phone banner, desktop and on the top pages of my journal for several years to keep me challenged to ACT like I trust Him no matter what the circumstances are. Your statement, "To stop striving for control and success and start to be still in the promise that in HIM all things hold together" is the process I have been on the past few years as my physical abilities have been stripped away. Our success only comes through Him and He has brought me to the place that I don't want to control anything anymore because HE KNOWS BEST, not me. He is so faithful when we are surrendered! What glorious riches we gain in our struggles and trials! Thank you for sharing your heart and your journey that is going to touch and minister to many! Looking forward to many more of your blogs! You know I will be one of your biggest fans!

  2. you are beautiful: heart, soul, and person. Thank you for your words of inspiration, encouragement, and truth. And someday, we will publish this into a book ;) i'm still pushing for that! Honestly though, your words are too powerful to not be shared, so thank you. I love you! Keep it up Lauren!
