Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I'm not an avid reader of fiction. My brother has always told me it's because "I have no imagination." Maybe that's partially true. Ok, so maybe it's very true. I struggle to picture a world that isn't reality. Books are "black and white" for a reason right? Literally. Well, that's my 2 cents.

Nevertheless, I'll give the fiction genre this prop - each chapter builds on the one before it.

I simply love that.

Although it seems as though a character has left the story, he or she is there nevertheless. The essence. The footprints. The impact. The story, where it is presently, cannot exist without the presence of that particular character at one point in time.

But this is what I hate. One chapter cannot begin without the ending of another. That's the part that breaks my heart. Shatters it actually... If I'm being completely honest.

There are just some characters that are meant to play a small role in the story. But this is not the case for every character. That gives me hope... Not to mention, gives me the desire to keep reading.

The best type of books (and the only type of fiction books I occasionally read) are those of which the ending is not predictable.

The story may seem never-ending. All hope may appear lost. But the greatest books are those of which you read the last page and are left in awe.

Sheer amazement.

Those books of which you can look back on prior chapters and see that the ending was really clear all along...

You just had to experience every page to see it.

Life is very much the same way.

I'm only 22. That sounds old to me. Yes, yes, I know. I'm not old. Technically, I'm still considered to be in that wonderful "young adult" category. But to be real, there are parts of my life I can't really recall clearly. Sure, some of that time forgotten was before my brain was fully developed and my capacity for memory was truly existent. Most of those times, however, are just simply a blur. Like my first day of junior high or my first date. You'd think I'd remember those moments... But nope, I don't. Don't ask me why. I guess I only remember the "important" things in life.

Although... The one thing I never forget (even if I try) are those "characters" that walk in... and sometimes out, of my life. Like I said, the characters make the story what it is. After all, you could argue that without additional characters, you have no story.

Because part of living your story is colliding with others along your way. Along your journey.

The impact waits in the collision. The thing about collisions is that they stick with you. Sometimes literally. Sore muscles, broken bones. But more often, these collisions result in overflowing hearts and freed minds.

The Author of the book called Life planned the contents of each page. Every event. Every character. Every struggle. Every victory. All culminating to the words on that last page... Whenever it may be written.

We may not be able to choose every character who enters our stories. If you haven't figured it out yet, you're not in control of your life. Sorry if I just let the "cat out of the bag" on that one. Better sooner rather than later, right? However. We can decide with whom we will collide. Those whom we will allow to become a "leading role" in our stories. Slowly but surely, chapter by chapter.

That's why it is never fulfilling to skip to the ending of a book.

Because the joy is in the journey.

You cannot experience the joy of the completion without truly and fully understanding the blood, sweat, and tears... and the love, life, and determination it took to get to that last page. Last paragraph. Last sentence. Last word.

There is no ending without first, a beginning.

Nor is there an ending without the middle.

The secret lies in embracing each and every chapter along the way.

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