Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Ok, so I have a confession to make.

I've never built a sandcastle.

... Ever.

And I've been to the beach... several times.

Some may say that my childhood was robbed. I could potentially agree with that. However, burying my younger brother in the sand seemed like a much better use of my precious time in the sun and surf. And I'm sure he had earned it in some way. But I buried him in love... of course.

I have, however, contemplated over the years as I've seen many attempt to make such structures in the sand. Yep. I was (and still am) that kid on the beach that sat quietly, watched the sea gulls, observed other kids, and thought about the logistics of the faulty designs constructed... that would surely just lead to each castle's demise when swept up with the next tide. An overly-analytical perfectionist of a child.

That was me.

So I guess it would've taken me too long to build a proper sandcastle anyway.

Foundations are kind of important. And by "kind of," I mean that they are irreplaceable. Most children (who know what it means to be imaginative at least) do not spend time considering the laws of physics or the importance of placing an appropriate foundation before building their fairytale-esque creations in the sand.

But then again, sand never made a strong foundation to begin with.

In Luke 6, Jesus talks a little bit about foundations... and how His words are to be the bedrock of our lives. He says,

"Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do what I tell you? Everyone who comes to Me and hears My words and does them, I will show you what he is like: he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock..." [Luke 6: 46-48a]

Basically, Jesus is saying... His words cannot merely be an addition to our lives.

No. In fact, nothing can even be added without a foundation. A true Foundation.

"...And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built." [Luke 6:48b]

These words of Jesus are not simply a gentle request for us to make sure our lives are built on Him. He knows that the result of anything less than a foundation built on Him, the Only Rock, is pure devastation.

You see, just like at the beach, storms come in life. Sometimes without a warning. But even with fair caution and time to prepare, storms have the power to destroy much.

Jesus continues...

"But the one who hears [My words] and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. When the stream broke against it, immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house was great." [Luke 6:49]

If you told someone that you were going to build your house without a foundation, they would (if they had any sense at all) tell you that you were out of your mind. That it isn't possible.

And they would be right.

Because anything built will have a foundation... By default.

What that foundation consists of, is the question.

The Message paraphrases Luke 6 in an interesting way. I love the phraseology it uses... It refers to the words of Jesus as "foundation words, words to build a life on."

Just as you cannot skip the foundation when you are building a house... So it is with the Christian life!

I've heard the words of Jesus since I was... well, born actually. And what a blessing that is! But let me be honest with you. Merely hearing the words of Jesus does nothing.

Because the words of Jesus weren't meant solely for hearing. They were meant to be THE FOUNDATION of our lives!

And this Foundation must be BUILT.


That's the key word. An action verb, in fact.

It takes work. Effort. Blood. Sweat. And at times, tears.

This Foundation won't just spring up from the ground! Sometimes though, I think we, as followers of Christ, live like we think that is the case.

And it surely... is not.

We must be actively laying down the truth of Jesus' words... On a DAILY basis.

So that when the storms come... And they will come...

We stand STRONG.

Not because of our own strength.

But because, our Foundation is the Rock of Ages Himself.

And no storm can bring that Foundation to the ground.

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