Sunday, February 10, 2013

limp [no more].

Have you ever landed wrongly? If you have, you'll get what I'm talking about. That sharp pain that immediately shoots through your whole leg? Yep, it's definitely not on my list of Top 5 most pleasant things.

But the thing is... That pain can result from not only landing wrongly, but also from standing up under pressure.

Life has its way of knocking you down. Knocking the wind out of you. Giving you a low blow.

And the thing I've come to find, is that it's the moments we least expect in which we experience that "shooting pain." It sure can catch you off guard. Maybe that's what is most painful about the whole thing. The lack of ability to prepare for the pain. For the heart ache. For the lack of mobility... at least temporarily.

Sometimes, we just have to get up and begin walking. Take that crazy risk. Jump off that "cliff" so to speak... Whatever that may look like.

It's almost as if we need to prove to ourselves that we don't have to limp any more. That we actually remember how to walk... Without that limp of which we've become so accustomed. And sometimes, even has become comfortable.

What better way than to stand up (despite the struggle that may result) and walk? Even if that means dreadfully stumbling with those first few steps?

There's such power in that.

Trust me, I've felt it before.

But it's not just a one-time thing.

Limping can become a way of life. It's like we forget how to walk freely... Much less, live fully.

We begin to think that we were made with a limp. To stumble through each day with - what can seem - to be a lack of purpose. Lack of identity. Lack of hope. But this could be no further from the truth!

NO! We WON'T limp our entire lives... Jesus makes the lame to WALK! With boldness. With gumption. With PURPOSE. He says "Get up and walk!" [Matthew 9:6] And you know what happens? We GET UP.

But don't miss this.

We have the strength to get up only because of and through HIS power.

And you know what else?

We get up...

Completely healed.

Because we were made to stand up. To walk. And even...

To run.

And eventually, the limping will be no more.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It takes a special person with incredible insight to take life and write about it in such a way that the reader feels like your were privy to their personal story! That is what you do, Lauren! Keep writing!
