Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Above the Surface.

August 3, 2008

Sinking is not a pleasant feeling. Whether physically or figuratively. Waves crashing over and the cold rain hitting our face in the midst of a desperate struggle to survive can completely destroy our morale--Keeping sight of the sun...or simply just the sky above. But I don't think swimming with all of our might is the answer to our reoccurring problem. 

Being the very definition of an extremely analytical person, I struggle to keep my thoughts from drowning out what I KNOW to be the truth. You'd think once someone knew the Truth they'd be set. Wrong. Very wrong. I seem to think I can figure everything out. The harder I think, the more I'll discover with this very feeble mind of mine. Wrong again. The way someone says or does something is a direct reflection of how they are feeling about me. Once again, wrong. Since when was everything about me anyway? I failed to receive that memo.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 states,

"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war like the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have the power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

Sometimes I think everything will just fade away...just like that. Things that I have built up for so long. Things that I have battled for with blood, sweat, and tears. People that make me feel alive. People that I so dearly love. People that I would be miserable without. So I swim and fight with all within me only to drown.

But am I holding on to tightly to things that can't fight the growing waves any better than I can? See, I don't think drowning is about not being able to swim. We are human. That is inevitable. I think drowning is about losing sight of the Truth. Truth being the irreplaceable love and grace of my Savior Jesus Christ.

Peter had faith to walk on water when Jesus called him. And he did for a short moment until...he lost sight of his Savior. He became too focused on the waves, wind, and storm that so easily overwhelm our lives. But how can we walk when we have our eyes set on nothing? We will eventually sink because our focus is on the crashing waves, not the sun.

I am writing this for people like me. People who think WAY too much. People who allow their minds to flood the Truth they know so well. People who think everything needs to be explained away before it can really be true. People who strive to let go but cannot. Yes, I am someone who fits all of those presumptions.

So quit sinking. Make the decision to fight through the storm...but not on your own. Swimming against the storm of this world is easier said than done. Jesus, save us all.

Keep me above the surface.

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